Done is better than perfect ❤️ and after a while, done and “perfect” as you define it, line up in such a way that hitting publish feels wonderful.

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A beautiful one line package of this point! Thanks, Jenovia

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Hey Janelle! Thanks for continuing such an important discussion. I also love the accountability (granted, self-imposed!) that regular posting on Substack brings. Yes, we could hold back, drafting and redrafting until the end of time but that wouldn't help our creative process. Deadlines help!

I also agree with you on the point you make about being a different writer now to the one you were when you started writing your novel. How interesting, though! When you get on to the next project, you'll have not just a novel but the beginnings of a body of work where you and your readers can chart the evolution of your craft, and I include your Substack in that!

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"you'll have not just a novel but the beginnings of a body of work where you and your readers can chart the evolution of your craft" - Oh I love this, Lindsay! Thank you. This is such a satisfying thought. A body of work vs a pile of half finished creations no one ever sees. I know which I'd rather.

Deadlines help 100%. Like, I've always thought if someone randomly gave me a book deal with a deadline and expectations I'd avoid a lot of this angst 😂 People pleaser over heeere.

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Love this - knowing that it's not just me that feels like this gives me confidence and the encouragement to keep going! I put out my first substack post EVER last week and I'm so proud I've done it. The perfectionist in me wanted to keep waiting, keep editing, keep...well faffing around and procrastinating. Now, I've done it I can't wait to post another one!

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Ahh massive congratulations, Hannah!

And now you have the evidence that you can do it. Exciting to hear you've got that fire in your belly to write and share more.

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There is a lot attached to writing a book so it is understandable that you would feel that way.

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So I have been learning! Thank you.

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This is perfect, thank you. Turns out I needed this permission slip too.

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Yay! So glad it's useful for you too, Louise. It seems too simple an obvious in some ways. But I so needed to hear it

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How funny that we so often seem to be working in parallel in our insights and realisations! I had returned from a gallery walkabout yesterday after having written the words for my latest post, but couldn't decide on the images to include... and after having seen the pieces at the gallery I gave myself permission to share some photos of a piece that I am working on as it is. As always I am so grateful to you for the inspiration to show up here and start taking myself seriously. :))

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So in sync!

Ooh I can't wait to check out this piece. And love that you've done the scary thing of sharing your work before it's finished.

I'm so grateful for you too, Nicola. You've been a big catalyst for me this year!

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Thanks so much for this reminder Janelle. So important, it doesn’t have to be your best and it can still have a massive impact on people and the world! This is such a beautiful way to think of creation ❤️

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So true, sometimes it's the simplest things that really resonate with people.

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Definitely <3

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I'm so pleased this has resonated with you too, Hannah.

Thanks for the lovely comment.

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This posts really resonates with me, and I especially love when you say "we can put out something that is not ‘the best’ and it can still have an impact on someone else." So often, I've stopped myself publishing something because maybe it's not as profound as I want it to be, but actually, it doesn't need to be does it, in fact I prefer reading kind of 'thinking out loud' posts that don't offer a solution a lot of the time. I love Amie McNee's work too.

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That's right. I've found it such a freeing thought. I hope this has shifted a little something for you too.

It's prob not an understatement to sat Amie has changed my life!

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It definitely has, it's something that I'll remember. It's so refreshing to find a different perspective on things. She is great, I think she has a book out too, I need to read that/reserve a copy from my local library!

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Yeah she's got a couple of historical novels out. And she also published some ebooks for artists on her website which are good. Short but profound! They tackle procrastination, perfectionism and burnout.

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They sound fab, I'm off to investigate! I've been re-reading 'Choose wonder over worry' by Amber Rae which you might like.

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Thank you, Jenna! This sounds excellent. I've just been looking at the intro.

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If I had been waiting on the perfect time, or for my perception of perfection, I would have never published my novella. I would have found something wrong with it: some phrase, some remark, some description. As it was, I published it and I still found errors. Oh well, it's something to fix in the next revision.

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This is inspirational to hear, Joseph!

Congratulations on publishing your novella.

I hope to follow in your footsteps very soon.

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“You are allowed to share art that isn’t your best.”

I think it is relatable to all creating, including these newsletters.

I was so worried about the quality of what I'm delivering, that I forgot to enjoy the process... Thanks

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Definitely, Angelina! I agree re newsletters and anything we create and put into the world.

It's a big step to put it out there. But it feels great to release it and offer it to others.

I hope you can focus on enjoying the joy of creation a little more. This is what I hope to do, too.

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I've spent 6 months encouraging myself that I know to write in English (my previous blogs and side hustles were in my mother tongue, Serbian). So, I hope (with a little support of my fellow Substackers) I'm on the path to work easier and enjoy more :) Thanks

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I love this❤️ I’m excited to read your book! This was so helpful for me to read today. I’ve been a tad absent from here for a few weeks and I’ve been trying to put together something to return with. Thanks for the reminder of how sneaky perfectionism is & how important it is to sometimes just press “publish” & trust that the your words will do all they’re meant to do xx

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Thanks Cyrene! :')

I'm so glad this reminder found you at the right time. Perfectionism sneaks up on us in ways we don't even know sometimes! Here's to pushing "publish" before we feel ready xx

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Amie has had such a profound impact on me! I’m learning the more I lean into imperfection the better the art actually is? It’s counter to how I approached creativity for years (studying it in university probably didn’t help with that to be honest) and it feels like a lesson I keep learning more deeply.

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Same, Sarah!! As you can see from these breakthroughs. I'm incredibly grateful to have found Amie and her work.

I'm so glad you found her too. I know what you mean about it feeling like a different mode of creativity. Letting yourself access vulnerability and imperfection...this is where the gold is.

I'm excited for what lessons we will continue to learn and what will open up for us :D

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Love this post!

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Thanks Leanna

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This is so relatable and definitely something I needed to hear. So thank you ♥️

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Brill! Thank you, Linn

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Amie sounds brilliant. And as these conversations often do, this makes me think about my favorite Martha Graham quote:

“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open."

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Oh absolutely! Being perfectly imperfect and sharing things that are not my best is a hill I have been slowly climbing; that and continuing to publish even when I get no comments...

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A great metaphor, Patricia.

And hopefully we can appreciate the climb as we go rather than aiming for a summit we'll never quite get arrive at.

Proud of you for continuing to write and publish. That's wonderful

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