May 19Liked by Janelle Hardacre

Beautiful words and photos πŸŒΏπŸ’šπŸŒΏ

I’m down in Kent with my husband and in-laws this weekend, and yesterday we went for a walk. The sound of the birds and the sight of the vibrant greenery was a little overwhelming. I ended up walking ahead on my own for some of the walk because I wanted to be able to take it in without being distracted by conversation.

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Thank you, Hannah.

Oh wow that sounds beautiful. A lovely thing you did for yourself there, too. Walking in a group is also lovely too, but for different reasons.

Glad you had a bit of solo time. Everything you saw and sensed is temporary. It will all change again. So it's worth taking a moment to notice

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Your walk is a quiet dance with nature. Each step renews the world around you. Thank you for allowing us a glimpse into the tender exchanges between you and the morning light

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And if I walk in the morning it’s usually on the prom, watching the play of water and sand, or the boats bobbing on the incoming tide. If no walk is possible then I walk into my little garden and watch the birds and smell the pinks coming into bloom. Thank you for sharing your walk.

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This is so lovely. I feel calmer just reading it. Thank you

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May 19Β·edited May 19Liked by Janelle Hardacre

Thanks for sharing this and the video clip. I love my daily walks, definitely a dose of perspective! Great photos.

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nice......and I love that word....'clomping'......a musical word.......and a word I certainly relate to....in my boots...'clomping'. love it.

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Isn't it great? I also love that word. It's the one that always drops into my mind when I am, indeed, clomping!

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Gorgeous, you’ve inspired me to get up and out nice and early now so signing off and putting away the screen for the day! 🌿

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Brilliant! If it's anything like it is here this is going to be an excellent decision. Enjoy Hannah 🌞

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From one early morning walker to another β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️

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Helloooo. It's the best isn't it? Spring is our season

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